Software and Cloud/DevOps Engineer taming the stormy web seas.
Containers the Hard Way. · Ever wondered what makes a container tick? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into containers and answer this...
The GitOps Way · Deploying applications on Kubernetes is hard. Doing this continuously and efficiently is even more difficult and even more so in a...
The GitOps way · There are many reasons to create a multi-region infrastructure. You might have users distributed across the world and aim to decrease...
Containers the hard way · In a previous article, we discussed how containers are created and the requirements for a container. Among the requirements is...
Containers the hard way - Images, Layers, and Filesystems · In a previous article, I wrote about how a container works and how we could go about creating...
Introduction Computers need to be able to communicate with each other directly without having to perform actions such as copying to disks and...